The Australian Curriculum is implemented
throughout the P-2 and Yr 3-6 classrooms. Each Semester there is a formalised
written report card and parent interviews are conducted as required. With almost
a student to computer ratio of approximately 1:1, there is ample opportunity
for students to develop technology skills with digital technologies being
introduced. Students participate in Inter-School sporting events on Friday
afternoons and we have our ‘Learn to Swim’ program running over Term 1 and Term
4. We have transition programs with local high schools and each year School Leaders participate in a State Leadership Program
sponsored by the Stanwell Power Station.
Stanwell State School is part of the Stanwell
community. We have close ties with the Stanwell Power Station and Aurizon at
the Stanwell Station, we have volunteers assist at the school and our Parents
& Citizens’ Association (P&C) is very active. Our P&C
members, Volunteers and Grandparents are an integral part of our school.
Within our cluster of schools we have many
opportunities to meet; and have shared sporting events or
extra-curricular programs; with teachers attending moderation within the
cluster network.